I am a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), working with Prof. Yang Liu. Additionally, I hold an Honorary Research Fellow position at University College London (UCL). Previously, I worked as a Research Fellow at UCL, under the supervision of Prof. Mark Harman and Prof. Federica Sarro.
I received my Ph.D. from Peking University (PKU) in 2021, and was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Hong Mei and Prof. Xuanzhe Liu. My Ph.D dissertation won the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of China Computer Federation. I received my B.S. in Computer Science and B.A. in Economics from PKU in 2016.
My research interests mainly focus on Trustworthy AI, Software Engineering for AI, and AI for Software Engineering. I received WWW 2019 Best Full Paper Award, ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award (MSR 2023), and ASE 2023 Distinguished PC Member Award.